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Tips on Moving With a Newborn

Having a baby is a huge milestone that changes your life. However, what if you just had a baby and need to relocate? There could be multiple reasons for such significant events back-to-back, but what's the best action plan if you find yourself in this situation? While each instance is unique, here are some tips and tricks to make your household relocation as easy and smooth as possible.

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How to Pack as Much as Possible Into as Few Boxes as Possible (Without Breaking Your Back)

Packing is typically the most challenging and time-consuming part of a residential move. While you know you need boxes, are you packing them as efficiently as possible? Similarly, although it might be tempting to use fewer large boxes and just toss everything into those, it's better to be strategic with your packing containers. Also, a full large box can get pretty heavy, so you must consider your carrying abilities and the box's strength.

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Investigating a Home's Past Before Buying

Every house has a unique history. While some historical anecdotes are fascinating, others may raise questions that you should carefully research before making an offer. Here are some ways to explore a home's past before buying it and moving in.

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5 Things to Do Before Moving to a New City

All residential moves come with challenges. The transition from one city to another can be especially tricky. Feeling at home in a new location can take time, and it isn’t easy to know a lot about an area until you are actually a resident. To help make your residential relocation painless, look at a few things to do before moving to a new city. 

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5 Tips for Packing Neatly to Reduce Wrinkles and Excess Washing When Moving

Clothing can comprise many of your must-have belongings when making a household move. Therefore, packing your clothing when you relocate can be a significant process. Plus, you don't want to work harder than you must or do a bunch of laundry when you get to the new place. Check out these tips to help you avoid wrinkles, dirty laundry, or damaged clothing during a move.

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Take It or Discard It? An Office Moving Checklist

Any office relocation can be a huge undertaking. Amid focusing on your business, you also have to sort, pack, and get all the substantial parts of the company to the new location. The more you can weed out before the packing process begins, the lighter the move will be. Eliminating clutter makes for a fresh start when you open for business elsewhere. However, you don't want to go overboard with your office decluttering process. Take a look at a few items often replaced or disposed of during an...

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How to Get Employees Motivated After an Office Move

Moving your office takes a toll on everyone, including your employees. The change in workflow and routine, the potential added work, and the adjustment to a new location can be a lot to handle. Therefore, employee motivation may be lacking once you get settled.  Look at a few tips to inject inspiration into your team after an office move.

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What Makes the Best Moving Companies Stand Out

The right moving company can help your move go smoothly. As soon as you know you're moving, you'll begin researching and interviewing potential movers. Here are some characteristics of the best moving companies. Experience The best moving companies will have been in business for several years. They will also have a physical office in your local area. The right one for you will also have experience in moves similar to yours; for example, relocating out of state or an apartment move, etc.

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Tips to Turn a Garage Into a Living Space

For most homeowners, the garage is little more than a storage area - a repository where junk and seasonal items lay dormant until they're needed again. However, there's no reason for a garage to be such a cluttered mess. In fact, with the proper planning and development, you can convert a garage into a decent living space. Whether you're expanding your family or want to make your garage more hospitable to guests, here are the top tips for making your garage more livable.

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4 Steps When Packing Your Large Mirror for Moving

Large mirrors are easy to break and especially easy to break when relocating. So, correctly packing your mirror is crucial because it can save the mirror and prevent an accident that could end with broken glass everywhere. Here is an ideal way to pack your large mirrors for a household move.

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