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5 Safety Must-Knows For Every Move

Moving to a new home is a lot of work. However, one aspect that you shouldn’t overlook during the planning process is safety. Taking proactive steps to stay safe during a move can avoid serious injuries. Here are five safety must-knows for every move.

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How Can You Make an Impression on the Community After a Small Business Move?

Small businesses account for 99 percent of all companies found in the United States. Many of these businesses will operate from the same location for many years, but some will have to relocate.

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7 Helpful Tips for Moving On a Budget with Kids

You are facing a residential relocation, but the combination of taking care of your family and moving expenses may put a strain on your budget. So how can you save a little money when you must move with children? Here are a few tips. 

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Moving Near the Holiday Time: Tips for Success

Moving at the holidays can make a complicated time of year even more complicated. It’s easy to get overwhelmed between packing boxes, buying gifts, and spending time with loved ones! However, there are many things you can do to make your holidays and your moving experience more manageable. Here's what you need to know. 

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5 Safety Considerations for Unpacking

After you pack and make a household move —  you have to unpack at your new home. And that’s often the most challenging part. Once you move, you want to get everything going as quickly as possible. But, unfortunately, that can lead you to skip necessary steps, like safety. Follow these tips to avoid injury and inconvenience during the unpacking process.

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Tips for a Smooth Office Move

Whether to gain larger space or be closer to clients, an office move is exciting. Office moves can also be challenging; however, they can occur efficiently and smoothly with proper planning. Allow Plenty of Time Start early. Provide employees with information ahead of time so that they can prepare. For example, if the move is to a different city, decide as soon as possible which employees will be offered relocation packages and provide them with the information they need to decide whether to...

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Craft Your Moving Timeline

A successful move requires planning and organization. One way to get organized and stay on track is to develop a moving timeline.

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How to Create a Moving Budget

Regardless of what kind of relocation you're planning, you need to budget for it accordingly. Whether you're moving across state lines, into a bigger (or smaller) house, or into your first place, there are many moving parts to consider. So, with that in mind, let's look at how you can make an adequate moving budget. These tips should work for all situations, and you can adapt them to suit your specific needs.

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Tips for a Job Relocation

You're close to landing a job in a new city. That's exciting. Relocating for a job, however, is stressful. So here are some tips to make the relocation go more smoothly. Negotiate for a Relocation Package When an employer asks you to relocate for a job, they typically offer you a relocation package. If they don't, ask for one as part of the compensation negotiations. If the answer is "No," then the job is still yours; if it is "yes," then you've saved yourself some money.

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Think Small: The Many Benefits of Downsizing

Ever feel like less is more? The old adage can definitely apply when it comes to downsizing your home. Moving from a larger house to a smaller home offers many benefits, from lower costs to less maintenance.  People downsize for several reasons; maybe you're about to retire, your kids have grown and left the nest, or you simply want to save money on housing costs. No matter the reason, downsizing often means a life upgrade.  Here are a few benefits of downsizing your home.

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