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Making Moving Day Simpler for You and Your Movers

Most people feel anxious and overwhelmed on moving day. However, if you put in the time and effort, you can make the transition easier. Hiring professional movers to do the heavy lifting and planning for you is one way to alleviate some of that pressure.

Here are some things you can do to help the professional movers you hire as they relocate your household.

Prepare Appliances

Moving major appliances can be challenging if you don't prepare a few days ahead. Schedule special service technicians to prepare large appliances before moving day because professional movers won't provide these services.  Make sure you read the instructions if you decide to complete the project and prepare them yourself.


Be Ready Before Movers Arrive

If you're doing it yourself, you should finish packing your things well before the movers' arrival. You should have all your belongings packed in boxes and labeled on all sides. Then, when the movers arrive, they will have an easier time if you have prepared your belongings. 

If you have a full-service move and your moving company is packing for you the morning of your relocation, be up and prepared for them before they arrive. For instance, eat a nutritious breakfast, strip the beds, and have your essentials box packed, labeled, and ready.

Start the Day Right

Begin with a healthy breakfast and stay hydrated throughout the day. 


Even if you aren’t doing all the heavy lifting, it is still important to dress appropriately for your moving day. This is because you will undoubtedly handle some items in and out of your car and unpacking things at your new place.


Wear comfortable clothes that you can bend and move in. The fabric should be flexible and breathable. Consider wearing layers depending on the weather. Plan to wear fully enclosed shoes for protection, ensure they have a good grip, and provide support.


Also, ensure your children and pets are entertained and supervised while movers transport your things. It’s better to be with a sitter off-site; otherwise, ensure they have a private, pre-cleared room to stay safe in.

Plan for Truck Parking

Plan for the moving truck to park in front of your old and new homes. Notify neighbors so they can also plan accordingly and allow room. It's also a good idea to check into parking permits in your new neighborhood—just in case. 


Clear Pathways

Remove clutter and trip hazards like rugs from your hallways. Ensure the driveway and sidewalks are clear so the movers can get their equipment from the house to the truck. Point out to the movers if there are any obstacles you can’t remove, like tree roots or bad sidewalk cracks.

Stay Available

Give the movers your cell number and stay close while they are working so they can find you. Then, if you leave, tell them where to locate you.

Make a Final Inspection

Before leaving your house, do one last walk-through, as things you leave behind might be challenging to get back. During your walk-through, open and inspect all cabinets and closets. Then make sure windows are closed and locked and switches are off. Finally, look around each room for lingering belongings

Moving Assistance

We promise to satisfy you completely and to give you a first-rate move from start to finish. Request a free moving estimate from our residential movers today to begin the process!