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Ways to Check for Pests Before You Move In

Everyone wants to avoid bringing pests to a new home when making a household move. So how do you know if your new home has them? Pests are sneaky and sometimes hard to find. It’s even more difficult after you move in. Here are five things to look for before moving in.

1. Pest Droppings in Cabinets

When you look at a home, you’re probably not spending much time searching the corners or hidden places. But, before you unpack, that’s what you should do to find pests.

Pests prefer to hide where you can’t find them. But they leave signs of their presence, like droppings at the back of the cabinet.

Droppings are concrete proof that you have an active infestation. Unfortunately, it’s probably worse than you think.

2. Small Gaps

Look for small gaps or holes when you get measurements in each room for furniture or cabinet organization. Pests use these spaces to travel through the house.

Older homes are more likely to have gaps. As such, they’re more likely to have pests. Check around the siding on the exterior and the casing around windows and doors.

Don’t assume a hole is too small for a rodent to get through. On the contrary, it might surprise you how tight a space they can squeeze through.

3. Chew Marks

Another noticeable sign of pests is chew marks on walls, fixtures, and furniture. For example, if you install a new light fixture and notice some chewed wiring, you have a pest.

Some pests will chew directly on the wall materials to find things to make a nest. You’ll most likely notice it in the corners or where the wall meets the floor.

Remember that signs of chewing or gnawing aren’t always indicators of a rodent infestation. Termites chew through wood and similar materials, and the marks may look similar.

4. Urine Trails

If the house was empty for months before you move, pests might have a regular path that they follow. You can look for urine, debris, or grease trails to find them.

Rodents and insects may track residue from one place to another, leaving a trail. You’ll notice grease spots or footprints on the walls. Shine a light at the back of the cabinets to see more.

Pay attention to the smell of the room. For example, a strong ammonia odor might signify pest urine.

5. Pest Debris Outside

Before you make changes to the landscaping, look around the foundation. Pests leave debris as they enter a home. Look for piles of dirt with a uniform shape from pests that burrow underground. Termites leave wings and other residues as they enter a home.

Keep in mind that the infestation can be inside and outside the house. However, dealing with an exterior infestation could be much more significant.

Keeping pests out of your home starts by determining if they are there. 

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