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Four Ways to Ensure a Successful Office Move

An office move requires the careful coordination of several major tasks. It requires successful preparation of the new location, arranging to move all the office furniture and equipment, keeping employees engaged and customers happy, and ensuring minimal office disruption. However, many offices change locations every year without disruption.

Here are four ways to ensure a successful office move.

1. Decide Timeframe and Budget

Appoint a project manager and determine a timeline and budget. Ideally, you should begin to plan for an office move six to 12 months before the event. Factors that will determine the timeline and budget will likely include:

  • The interior design of the new space

  • Moving expenses, including handling of any special equipment

  • The cost of any new equipment or furniture required

  • New stationery and other office collateral

  • Relocation packages for employees if the move is a long distance

  • Any loss of income because of a disruption in operations. Often you can avoid disruption by moving on the weekend, although moving costs may be higher then.

2. Communicate Early

Your employees, customers, and suppliers all have a stake in your location. Be sure to communicate with them early and through multiple communication channels.

Customers and Clients

Communicate with customers via personal letters, emails, and social media. Focus on how the new location will benefit customers. For example, if you are relocating, you may want to include a thank you because your clients have enabled you to succeed.


Begin a regular dialogue with employees through letters, emails, and one-on-one discussions early in the process. Stress employee benefits, such as more parking or proximity to public transportation.

Also, consider the move an opportunity to experiment with better office layouts that more easily allow for collaboration. Finally, listen to employees' ideas about how to improve the design.


Begin your communication with suppliers by thanking them for their part in making your business successful. Then, assuming you plan to continue your relationship with them, assure them that your relationship will not change.

3. Pay Special Attention to IT and Data Needs

One of the most challenging aspects of an office move can be the IT and data infrastructure. Work with your IT department on the requirements. Have an IT representative be part of the interior design of the building to identify locations for network cabling, fixtures, and employee workstations.

A move is also an excellent opportunity to evaluate telecommunications requirements. Is a traditional phone line still appropriate, or are you ready to switch to VOIP, for example? Also, consider whether buying new hardware makes more sense than moving what you have.

4. Make the Move Fun

You want clients and employees to be fully engaged in the new location. Throughout the process, find ways to make the move fun. For example, post photos as the office renovation progresses to build suspense about what the new space will look like. Or provide prizes for the employee that provides the best suggestion. Remember to host a great party once you're settled.

Office Move Experts

Let us help with your office move. We can provide you with the best office relocation services to ensure you have the least downtime for your business. Contact us for a free quote.